Privacy Policy


Effective: January 1, 2023

This Privacy Policy describes how DCbright Limited collects, uses, and shares your personal information, as well as your choices and rights with respect to your personal information.

Scope of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to information that relates to you as an identifiable individual (often referred to as “personal information” or “personal data”) that DCbright Limited receives or collects when you interact with us or our services, website, and software (the “Services”).

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third-party services, websites, or software, such as third-party applications that may be integrated into our Services via API. Those services, websites, and software are subject to their own terms and privacy policies, and you should read those carefully.

Information We Collect


We collect and receive the following types of information:


Information you provide to us:

Account information: To create an account for the service to enable certain features we require information for your account such as name, email, password and authentication credentials.

Personal information: Because your account allows you to operate on premise installed equipment at our clients we ask you to give us basic contact information which is shared only with the premise admins you accepted to connect to. Your information is not disclosed publicly and is not shared with any other parties.

Premise information: For physical premises we keep the GPS location of the premise for the purpose of limiting remote control access to a specified range, and specific premise setup parameters for our installed equipment to work. All the stored information is only used to provide a functional platforms and is not shared or sold to any third parties.

Information we collect Automatically:

Usage data: We automatically collect usage data about how you interact with our Services when you use them. For example, this could be actions you take on our platform, such as when you control certain features on our platform.

Log Data: Our servers automatically log certain types of data when you visit or use our Services, for example, when you navigate through our website. This data is stored in our log files and includes, Internet Protocol (IP) address, type of device, operating system or browser, unique device identifiers, browser settings, date, and time you visited or used our Services, the referring website, URL parameters, and error and crash reporting data.

Information from Cookies and Similar Technologies: A cookie is a small piece of information that is downloaded to your device by your browser when you visit a website. We use cookies or similar technologies (including third-party cookies) to remember your preferences, understand how you interact with our Services or emails that we send you, maintain the security of our Services, and administer, improve, and promote our Services. You can configure your browser to prevent cookies, but please note that disabling cookies may make some features or functionality unavailable to you.

Information that is send to us, but we do not keep.

Location data: When Location data is sent to us to verify whether you are within the premise allowed control distance it is discarded once the request has been handled. This data is not logged or stored in any of our databases.

Other data: When you control fixtures via our software it is logged who controlled the fixture at which time, this information will only be shared with the organization that owns the controlled fixtures for audit purposes.


I want to remove my information from the services you provide.

Remove association with an organization:

From your profile page you can remove any association, you do not need permission from anyone and from the moment you disassociate your information will no longer be shared or available to the previously associated organization.

Remove account from our services:

If you no longer wish to use our services you can either remove the account yourself via our portal or contact us at our main email address.


How we use your information

We use your information in the following ways:

• To provide and maintain our Services.

• To analyze and improve our Services.

• To keep our Services, secure and protect against fraud, abuse, and intrusion.

• To provide user support, information, and services requested by you.

• To send important account or security notifications.

• To promote our Services in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our marketing emails, click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email. You can also update your notification preferences in your account settings.

• To comply with our legal obligations, including responding to a court order or other valid legal process.

• For other purposes with your consent.

Please keep in mind that customers control their accounts and associated Customer Data. We use Customer Data according to our customers’ instructions and our Terms of Service. Customers can: remove and access content and information associated with the accounts.

If information is aggregated or de-identified so that it can no longer be reasonably associated with an identifiable person, we may use it for any lawful purpose.


How do we share your information

We share information outside of DCbright Limited only as described below:

             Trusted Third Parties: We disclose information to our service providers or other third-parties so they can help us provide our Services and run our business. Examples include for storing Customer Data, payment processing, providing customer service, and helping us with our marketing activities. We’ll only disclose the information necessary for these parties to perform their services for us, and they’ll be bound by contractual obligations to protect your personal information.

             Administrators: If you associate your account to an organization owned by another entity, the administrator of that entity has the right to access your usage history related to the entity. Customers and their authorized users may choose to share and disclose information according to their own policies., we may share the fact that you have an account with us and some basic account information with the associated entity.

             Change in Business Structure: If DCbright Limited is involved in a merger, acquisition, public offering, asset sale, insolvency, bankruptcy, or similar change in our business structure, we may need to disclose your information to those involved in the transaction, subject to confidentiality requirements.

             For Legal Reasons: We may release your information if we believe it is necessary to comply with the law, regulation, valid legal process, an enforceable government request, to prevent fraud or a security breach, enforce our policies or agreements, or protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety.

             With Your Consent: We’ll otherwise share your information only with your consent. For example, if you choose to enable a third-party integration, we may share account information and/or content from your account, but only as authorized by you when you enable or use the integration.


How do we protect your information

We are committed to protecting your information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and loss. We use industry-standard security practices to keep your information secure, such as encryption, access controls, physical security measures, and internal reviews of data collection, use, and storage. We’ve also obtained various compliance certifications and undergo ongoing audits to ensure continued security and compliance best practices.

However, data transmissions over the internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure or safe from intrusion by others. Be sure to use secure internet connections, protect your login credentials, and create strong passwords for your account.

Data Retention

We’ll retain information you store on our Services for as long as your account exists or as long as we need it to provide you Services. If you delete your account or your content from our portal, we’ll permanently delete your account or content within 30 days, unless we need to retain any information to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements. For any other information we may receive or collect from you, we’ll retain that information for only as long as is necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights

Individuals in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, and across the globe have certain statutory rights in relation to their personal data. Subject to any exemptions provided by law, you may have the right to request access to your personal information, as well as to seek to update, delete, or correct this information. You can exercise most of these rights through your DCbright account. For example, if you wish to delete your personal information from DCbright services, you may permanently delete your account. You can also access and update your account information via your account settings page. If you are unable to exercise your rights through your DCbright service account, or otherwise you can send us your request.

Updates to this privacy policy

We may update this Privacy Policy by posting the updates to our website. If an update materially impacts your rights or how we use your personal information, we will notify you either by email or other direct communication before the updates take effect. Any other revisions will become effective on the date the updates are posted by DCbright Limited.



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